
ANRE has approved new regulated gas prices


The National Agency for Energy Regulation has approved new regulated prices for natural gas, excluding VAT. They will be implemented from 1 June.

The price at the entry point of the gas transmission system is set at 14.834 lei for one thousand cubic meters, and at the exit point at 15.063 lei for one thousand cubic meters.

The price at the exit point of the high pressure distribution system is set at 15.315 lei for one thousand cubic meters, at the exit point of medium pressure distribution system at 15.633 lei, and the exit point of the low pressure distribution system (most domestic consumers) will be 17.244 lei.

Compared what Moldovagaz initially requested, ANRE decreased the costs of supplying natural gas to final consumers by a total of 5.55 billion lei, or about 5 lei for one cubic meter.