
ANRE accredited a new eligible electric power consumer


The Administration Council of the National Agency for Energy Regulations (ANRE) accredited a new eligible electric power consumer, the enterprise „Moldovatransgaz” SRL, for the consumption place „Gas Compression Station Drochia”. This is the third enterprise that has status of eligible electric power consumer. This decision was taken, at the request of the society „Moldovatransgaz”, according to the Regulation for accreditation of eligible consumers, which stipulates to provide this right to consumers connected to electric power lines with a pressure of 110 and 35 kV. The installation of using the energy of the gas compression station of Drochia is connected to pressure line of 35 kV, and its annual consumption is about 800,000 kWh. ANRE also accepted the application of this enterprise on the ground that it complies with compulsory conditions set for those wishing to become eligible consumers. The latter one does not have debts to previous supplier, has the necessary equipment for electric power consumption and is a solvable enterprise. According to ANRE, the status of eligible consumer will allow the enterprise to conclude a direct contract of purchasing the electric power with any supplier, including the foreign ones, meaning that it could benefit from cheaper energy that that sold to supply enterprises of the country. Previously, ANRE set for consumers connected to lines with pressure 110 kV a tariff of 55 bani/kWh, which is with 30% less than that set for the other categories of consumers. Till now, ANRE accredited as eligible consumers other joints stock companies: „Ciment – Lafarge” of Rezina and „Glass Container Company” of Chisinau. The society „Ciment – Lafarge” was given the status of eligible consumer in January 2004, and „Glass Container Company” – in October 2005. These decisions were taken with the aim to promote actively the liberalisation process of the electric power market. According to art. 38 of the Law on electric power, liberalisation of this market will be done gradually, on stages set by ANRE, after coordinating it with the government, till 1 July 2007.