
Animals used for scientific purposes to be protected by a special law


The animals used for experimental purposes or other scientific purposes will be protected by a special law which passed the first reading. The law settles the species of animals that can be used for these purposes, their maintenance and experiments on them etc. As well the law settles the use of animals for obtaining, producing or testing the quality of medicaments, food and other substances or products. The draft law stipulates protection measures for the animals used in experiments, as well as the attributions of the specialized bodies. Constantin Mihailescu, the minister of ecology and natural resources declared that the draft law complies with the provisions of the Directive of the European Union on the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes. The authors state that this law will contribute at creating a legislative framework that would comply with the international practice in this area. At the end of the last week, the law on registering all domestic animals of the Republic of Moldova passed the second reading.