
Andrian Candu: The looting of Banca de Economii started in 2010


Democrat Andrian Candu, former Speaker of Parliament, argues that the looting of Banca de Economii bank (BEM) started in 2010-2011. According to him, the portfolio of non-performing loans increased almost 100% during that period. The statement was made on "Black Box" programme, TV8, IPN reports.

"Let's talk about what caused the problems at Banca de Economii in the first place – the bad, fraudulent administration of the BEM since 2010-2011. In fact, the hole was created from the so-called non-performing loans. Loans were given left and right, based on certain connections, without being covered and when the person who took the loan no longer existed or did not want to pay it back, there was a kind of "ride off", as one would say in English - "we forgive this one or the other one because he is someone’s relative" and that's how the hole was formed, "said Andrian Candu.

According to him, the money from the state guarantees were granted after special administration was introduced into the three banks - BEM, Banca Sociala and Unibank.

Andrian Candu claims that only the NBM decided when and how much it offered to the banks and only after introducing special administration, and the Ministry of Finance guaranteed for the amount. In addition, the Democrat says that the allocation of money from the bank by the administrator was to be done only through a government commission that was supposed to check everything,” he said.

In November it will be five years since the state took the decision to guarantee the emergency loans granted by the NBM to the insolvent banks: Banca de Economii, Banca Sociala and Unibank, looted through the procedure that later became known as the "billion theft".