
Andrian Candu about observer status for Eurasian Union


The provision of the observer status for the Eurasian Economic Union to Moldova is rather symbolic in character, said Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu. He told the press than any international agreement must go through the ratification procedure in Parliament to take effect, IPN reports.

“It is a political gesture and President Igor Dodon continues the message promoted in the election campaign. He does not bring benefits as society is again divided and he should better identify solutions and projects to consolidate it,” stated the Speaker.

He also said that any observer status in an organization does not affect the relations with the European Union of which the Republic of Moldova is an associate.

President Igor Dodon on April 14 announced that the Republic of Moldova will receive the observer status for the Eurasian Economic Union and that the Presidents of the five member states of the Union pleaded for this at the recent meeting of the Union’s Supreme Council in Bishkek.