
Andrei Spînu: Bridge over the Prut in Ungheni will be ready in three years


The Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Andrei Spînu provided a time limit for the construction and putting into operation of the bridge that will connect Ungheni in Romania and Ungheni in the Republic of Moldova. The Deputy Prime Minister said that during three years, the infrastructure project will be ready and will considerably shorten the distance from Ungheni to Iasi. The official also said that the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology of the Republic of Moldova and the National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications of Romania have three months to prepare all the necessity documents that will enable to reduce the roaming charges, IPN reports.

Andrei Spînu said that Romania already allocated funds for rehabilitating the Giurgiulești-Galați border bridge and for starting the works to build the Ungheni-Ungheni bridge. The value of the infrastructure project in Ungheni is of €35 million.

“This infrastructure project will be financed with state budget funds and with money provided by the Government of Romania. The money was already allocated, including for the Giurgiulești-Galați bridge that is already functional and is used. As to the bridge in Ungheni, at the current stage we already have a feasibility study and, when the agreement ratification procedures are completed, the procedure for initiating the building of this bridge will be initiated. We expect that this bridge will be built during the next two-three years and will shorten the trip from Ungheni to Iasi,” Andrei Spînu stated in the program “Theme of the Day” on TVR1 channel.

The official said he was surprised by the swiftness with which the mobile phone carriers reacted to the announcement concerning the reduction of roaming charges. Yesterday, two of the largest carriers in Moldova announced they will soon present advantageous offers with reduced roaming charges for clients.

“We didn’t expect the operators in the Republic of Moldova to react very swiftly. We expected that the roaming charges will decrease based on this agreement within three months. The institutions responsible for this area in Romania and the Republic of Moldova already had discussions and agreed that all the documents will be approved in three months so that the roaming costs for both banks of the river are reduced. I’m optimistic that this agreement will start to be fully applied on both sides of the river during three months,” stated Andrei Spînu.

Yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spînu and the minister of energy of Romania signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Romania on cooperation in energy security. The document provides that a common plan of action and solidarity measures in case of an energy crisis will be worked out during the next six months.