
Andrei Năstase: Our country project is to together rebuild Moldova


The candidate for President of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” Andrei Năstase started his election campaign on October 3. The event began with the playing of the national anthem. The candidate said the vote of each citizen at the November 1 presidential elections will count more than ever for Moldova of today and tomorrow, IPN reports.

“The path covered by our people during the last few years on the way to freedom and self-determination was very difficult. We were all witnesses to our own fight against those who continue to impoverish and humiliate us. We counted together important victories, but have yet a lot to do,” he stated, noting the people want freedom, justice, hope and a better life and these things can be ensured in Moldova.

Andrei Năstase said he decided to run for President because he is confident that he can continue together with the people what he started many years ago, while others hesitated then to do it for fear or because they were coward and betrayed the country.

According to the candidate, when he thinks about Moldova of tomorrow, he sees a country in which the law rules and there is justice for everywhere, in which there are fairly paid jobs and the pensioners are not humiliated and have pensions on which they can manage, in which no one lives below the poverty line. “I’m thinking with confidence about the revival of our villages and towns that will have water and sewerage, schools, hospitals and well-equipped medical units,” he stated.

“Our country project, dream and wish are to rebuild Moldova together. It should be a Moldova where everyone can earn their living, can start a family and can raise safely the children, without being concerned about tomorrow. We can have at home a healthcare system that will offer each patient correct and efficient diagnosis and treatment, while our doctors will have reasonable salaries.”

According to Andrei Năstase, Moldova of tomorrow is a country in which the students know what they learn, enjoy modern learning conditions, while the teachers have salaries comparable to those in Romania and other EU member states. The business environment will be competitive, exaggerated taxes will not paid and the whole economy will bring value added. The entrepreneurs will be freed from the oligarchic blackmail and political taxes, while the performance of farmers will be guaranteed by consistent investments and subsidies.

Andrei Năstase believes that Moldova can swiftly restore its reputation and diplomatic predictability at international level through the model of conduct of its President.

Maia Sandu of the Party of Action and Solitary, Renato Usatîi of Our Party, Tudor Deliu of the Liberal Democratic Party, Violeta Ivanov of the Shor Party and independent candidate Igor Dodon, who is supported by the Party of Socialists, started their election campaigns on October 2.