
Andrei Năstase: I will be guarantor of territorial integrity, sovereignty and neutrality of country


President Andrei Năstase will be the guarantor of the territorial integrity, sovereignty and neutrality of the country, as long as the Constitution provides for the status of neutrality, if he is elected on October 20, 2024. The statement was made by the independent candidate for the office of President Andrei Năstase in an electoral debate organized by IPN News Agency. The candidate noted that as President, he will propose a number of legislative initiatives aimed at increasing the living standards of citizens and stopping the phenomenon of depopulation.

Andrei Năstase said that he will use the instrument of the legislative initiative to increase the living standards of citizens and to ensure free and fair justice. The right to legislative initiative is a prerogative of the head of state, guaranteed by the Constitution. If he becomes President, he will propose clear solutions regarding economic development and social protection to Parliament.

“I have an electoral program based on realities, aimed at the people, meant to ensure order, justice, well-being, given all the prerogatives that the Constitution offers to the President. The Constitution obliges the President to be the one who guarantees territorial integrity, sovereignty, independence. Lately, we have seen that both former President Dodon and incumbent President Sandu failed in this regard. The Constitution gives the President a series of possibilities and the legislative initiative is one of them. Surely, the President cannot act as a prime minister or minister, occupying all the positions in the Cabinet, as our President has been doing lately, when there is something to show. When something doesn’t work, it’s not her responsibility. The legislative initiative remains the most important instrument for the President, through which the best solutions can be proposed to Parliament,” said the candidate for President of the Republic of Moldova.

Andrei Năstase noted that as President, he will respect the neutrality status of the Republic of Moldova, which is stipulated in the Constitution. If the people decide to change this article of the Supreme Law and decide that the country should be the member of a military bloc, he will comply with the citizens’ decision.

“The current President had very consistent popular support in 2020. Unfortunately, she disappointed, she disappointed me as I supported her and she also disappointed the diaspora. It’s true that the President is also the chief commander. But I will leave it to the military to deal with military issues. I will do what I know best - the rule of law, justice and well-being for the people. I will be the guarantor of the territorial integrity, sovereignty and neutrality of the country, as long as the Constitution provides for this. If our people decide something else one day, I will comply with the people’s will,” stated Andrei Năstase.

He also said that as President, he will come up with initiatives to support the population, including regarding the introduction of a minimum pension ceiling in the Constitution. If Parliament rejects the initiatives coming from the President, the head of state can dissolve Parliament and announce snap elections.

“I took to the streets when billions were stolen and we managed to remove a regime. If I become President, my priority will be for those who are in Parliament today to work in the interests of the citizens. If, during the first months of my tenure as President, they do not accept my initiatives to amend the Constitution, especially Article 47 regarding pensions, so that we do not have a pension lower than 5,000 lei.... if they do not accept the initiative to allocate at least 1,000 lei for our children up to the age of 18 and at least 3,000 lei for children up to the age of three... if they do not accept the initiative to reduce the number of MPs to 61, according to the will expressed by the people in 2019... if they do not work for the country and for the people, they will have to leave and I will have the power to dissolve this Parliament. Grosu, Alaiba should not dare to oppose a President elected with a massive vote of the population,” said the independent candidate Andrei Năstase.

The series of debates entitled “Analyzing electoral demand and offers” are conducted by IPN News Agency during October 8-10, 2024, with support from the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the European Union.

The third debate, scheduled for Thursday, October 10, will involve Vasile Tarlev, nominated by the Party for the Future of Moldova, Ion Chicu, nominated by the Party for Development and Consolidation of Moldova, and Octavian Țîcu, candidate of the electoral bloc “Together”.