
Anatolie Prohnitski: Candidate for President on behalf of civil society is the best solution


The identification and fielding of a candidate for President on behalf of civil society is the best solution. This candidate must not be a party member and must undertake particular commitments and think up an exact program. Such an opinion was stated by the chairman of the Green Ecologist Party Anatolie Prohnitski in the public debate “Common candidate of the right in the presidential elections: necessity and possibility, advantages and disadvantages”, which is the 57th installment of the series “Developing political culture by public debates”.

According to the leader of the Green Ecologist Party, if civil society and the parties of the center-right promote the image of the chosen candidate, this will manage to become the future President. If the common candidate for the presidential elections is identified late, the process of promoting him in society will be more difficult.

Anatolie Prohnitski considers that even if changes to the Election Code haven’t been yet made, the presidential elections will take place. If the parties of the center-right do not identify soon a candidate, a person who will prove that he has enough leveraging tools to stop the country’s European course will become President.

He also said that an increasing number of party leaders tend to take part in the presidential elections, forgetting that these are not local or parliamentary elections. The running of a large number of candidates in the elections will bring an unsuitable person to the post of Head of State.

The public debate “Common candidate of the right in the presidential elections: necessity and possibility, advantages and disadvantages” is the 57th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are organized with the assistance of the German Foundation “Hanns Seidel”.