
Ana Tcaci: Current administration is to blame for causes of corruption in Moldova. Info-Prim Neo poll


{Info-Prim Neo News Agency is conducting an opinion poll among leaders of the parties running in elections. The subject of the poll is corruption in Moldova and solutions for fighting it. All the participants were asked two similar questions. This time, the answers are given by Ana Tcaci, president of the Spiritual Development Party “United Moldova”.} [ - What does the party that you represent think about corruption in Moldova?] - Corruption in Moldova is a well-known general phenomenon. The people do not need proofs of the disastrous effects of this phenomenon on the normal development of the society as it contributes to the moral and spiritual degradation of the people. Corruption is a disease that destroys the social body from inside. As any other phenomenon, corruption has several causes and appears where the environment is favorable, generated by: advanced poverty, imperfect legislation, a ruling political class centering on clientele principles, the use of the legal system by the governors as they want and probably, the most important, the lack of a mechanism enabling the civil society to control and influence the power. Given that corruption in Moldova is an ascertain fact, its causes cannot be neglected. We can draw the conclusion that the current administration did not and will not manage to fight this phenomenon. Moreover, it is to blame for the causes of corruption in our society. [ - What will your party do to combat corruption if it comes to power?] If in power, the Spiritual Development Party “United Moldova” will take the following steps: - set up a parliamentary commission that would examine cases of large-scale corruption that caused considerable losses to the state budget; - insure the independence of the judiciary and remove the politicians from the administration of the legal system; - improve the legislative framework so as to toughen up the punishments for corruption. We now have an absolutely abnormal situation, when the ordinary people that have to survive in conditions of poverty and general mystery that dominate our society are punished for minor corruption acts to long imprisonment terms, while the high ranking officials that cause damage of tens of million dollars easily avoid the punishments they deserve. The society loses money, but the most serious thing is that the civic conscience becomes corrupt and the people lose trust in the power and the moral values. - take all possible measures to improve the living standards given that poverty is one of the major causes of corruption. It is well known that corruption becomes deep-rooted easily, but it is very hard to wipe out it.