
An university and a lyceum will be created under the Moldovan Academy of Science


The Government approved the draft of a president’s decree concerning the foundation of the University of the Moldovan Academy of Science (ASM) and ASM Lyceum. According to an informative note accompanying the project, training qualified staff for the national science is, at the moment, a particularly important problem, because the socio-economic situation of the last 20 years had a negative impact on this process. This resulted in a significant reduction of the number of employers in the spheres of science and innovation having scientific degrees of doctors and doctors habilitate. Most of the scientific staff members are of advanced age, and the unattractive work and wage payment conditions do not motivate youth to complete the lines of scientific researchers. In order to change the situation and turn the attention of youngsters to the scientific activity, ASM decided to create a system of scientific staff training. This system would include the Academic Lyceum for gifted children and the Academic University, both headed by the Science Academy. 200 students will be matriculated in the lyceum cycle – 10th to 12th grades – 15 students in each class. It is also planned that about 1,000 students will be enrolled in the University. From the university’s graduates the most talented youth will be selected in order to continue their postgraduate studies in scientific institutions of ASM with doctorate activity. According to the chair of ASM, Gheorghe Duca, this succession will represent a guarantee of the continuity and quality of training scientific personnel at the highest standards, in the perspective of the national science’s integration in the international scientific community. The law, allowing ASM to found a lyceum and a university, came into force at the end of July. The respective amendment to the Law on education has been solicited by the Science Academy of Moldova. The financing of the abovementioned institutions is to be made from the budgetary allocations for ASM, as well as from international financial resources.