
Amnesty International regards the death of Pinochet as a sign


The death of the dictator Pinochet is not just the end of a dark period for Chile, but also a sign for all the governments in the world to intensify the investigation of criminal cases related to human rights, said on Monday, December 11, during a press conference, Sergio Zamorano, representative of Amnesty International (AI), who is on a visit to Moldova. Sergio Zamorano was, during the dictatorship of Pinochet, the president of the Chile section of Amnesty International. According to Zamorano, governments should understand that the tergiversation of investigations, as was the case with Pinochet, can go on endlessly, and the ones guilty of infringing human rights may remain unpunished. The defenders of human rights in Chile and the rest of the world, NGOs such as AI will insist that investigations in the cases of abuse in Chile and in other parts of the world continue, added Zamorano. The former dictator Augusto Pinochet, who ruled Chile during the period 1973-1990, died on Sunday, December 10, on the International Human Rights Day, at the military hospital in Santiago de Chile, at the age of 91. Pinochet was accused of infringing human rights, fraud and corruption, as well the violent repression of his political enemies during his 17 years in power. Pinochet was arrested on a number of occasions for alleged crimes committed during his rule, but was never convicted. About 3,000 people were killed or went “missing” during his dictatorship, another 28,000 were tortured, and thousands of Chileans fled the country and went into exile.