
AMN women prepare for elections


The Women’s Organization of the Moldova Noastra Alliance Party (AMN) wants more women in Parliament and more women mayors after the local general elections of 2011. The wishes were expressed at the Organization’s second national conference held in Chisinau on May 29. “At the first conference two years ago, we set as objective to remove the Communists from power. We promoted gender equality in the party and decision-making bodies. Now that the government has changed, we will promote and prepare the women for electoral campaigns, especially for the local elections,” the head of the Women’s Organization and vice president of the AMN Natalia Ciobanu has told Info-Prim Neo. Nina Catan from Ialoveni, a member of the Organization, said more women should be among the lawmakers and in the administration of the AMN. Laurentia Molosin from Glodeni said the goal of the AMN local organization in this district is for the party’s women to obtain 50% of the mayors’ seats in the next local elections. Attending the conference, the leader of the AMN Serafim Urecheanu urged the women not to believe in the opinion polls that show the party’s popular approval rating is decreasing. “The surveys are conducted in Chisinau, while our party holds power at the local level. The parties that want to intimidate the electoral opponents commission opinion polls. We contributed to the removal of the Communists from power. We are a strong party,” Serafim Urecheanu told the women.