
AMN threatens to obstruct Parliament in 2008 if majority faction commits abuses


The parliamentary group of the Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) Party will obstruct proceedings in Parliament, starting with the next session, if the majority faction commits abuses or breaks the Parliament rules, AMN leader Serafim Urecheanu said in his speech on the closing day (Friday, Dec. 28) of the legislature’s fall/winter session. Urecheanu explained that the reason for such measures is the fact that the Parliament continues to act as an instrument for satisfying the interests of the Communists, and from time to time, the interests other self-seekers that ally themselves with the ruling party. The AMN lawmakers are often put in the situation to resort to increasingly assertive forms of defending their positions and legitimate rights, he said. Whereas in 2005-2006 there were adopted a series of new laws, eulogised by the pro-Communist coalition as being great achievements on the path towards democratisation, this year everybody had plenty of opportunities to convince themselves of the null or injurious effects of those pseudo reforms. Even the few results that proved to be really positive had been annihilated by their very initiators, Urecheanu stated. According to him, the Parliament continues to go astray from the democratic achievements and standards; the principle of transparency in lawmaking is neglected, as is the obligation to supervise the enforcement of the laws, especially in the case of the Government; the majority coalition is promoting their own interests to the detriment of the public one, the AMN leader added. It has become clear that the judiciary, human rights, market economy, the freedom of press, the authonomy of local authorities have no chances of getting any better until 2009. The European integration is dragging because of this type of stability. At the same time, the parliamentary coalition offers the Communist leader the political comfort and enough room for his aggressive and revengeful manoeuvres, including those directed against Romania and consequently against Europe, Urecheanu concluded.