
AMN tells ruling party to stop attacking opposition and non-communist local authorities


The Moldova Noastra Alliance Party (AMN) demands the ruling party to cease the attacks on the opposition and non-communist local public administration, and to ensure the efficient collaboration of all branches of power, according to the legislation, MP Leonid Bujor stated at a Parliament’s meeting on Thursday. The government, in Bujor’s opinion, seeks to maintain at all costs the political control along the vertical of power. “The Communists are aware that in 2008 the governance will be subject to serious monitoring, including from international organisations. Still, following the principle “the ends justify the means” they continue to make use of the same antidemocratic, antinational and anti-European methods”, the AMN MP said. The “dirty and insolent” attacks on opposition party leaders and the media that the government cannot control, the instructions given to the law enforcers against the opposition, are initiated by President Voronin himself, the cited source stressed. “It is obvious that the 2003 administrative reform, previous and recent actions of the government in the field of local public administration, are to the detriment of the society and serve only the narrow and egoistic interest of the Communist Party of maintaining its power”, the AMN MP said. He also demands the ruling party to end to the aggressive policy aimed at intimidating political opponents and at dividing the local public administration into “ours and the rest”.