
AMN faction in Chisinau Council remains without chairman


Pavel Caba, chairman of the faction of the “Moldova Noastra” Alliance Party (AMN) in the Chisinau Municipal Council, Thursday announced he decided to join the Liberal Democratic Party as this is the only party that fulfills the promises made to the people, Info Prim Neo reports. “As I consider myself a reliable person who respects the people around and wants to be respected, I decided to defect from the “Moldova Noastra” Alliance and join the Liberal Democratic Party and its faction in the Chisinau Council. In its competition with other political parties, the PLDM aims at social progress, mobilizing its resources and playing an active role in the political life. It is a model of political party that shows spirit and initiative and is near the people,” Pavel Caba said. The councilor also said that his decision was determined by the AMN's failure to keep the power at local level, won in 2007 with joint effort, and by the non-transparency in appointing persons to posts inside the party. “The PLDM's electoral platform was formulated after thoroughly analyzing the needs of the people. This party keeps its promises,” he said. After Pavel Caba made the announcement, Oleg Cernei said he also leaves the AMN faction that remained without chairman and will work as unaffiliated councilor. Oleg Cernei left the AMN last October, but continued to work as part of the AMN faction in the Council. Now the faction of the “Moldova Noastra” Alliance consists of five councilors - Nina Talmaci, Mihai Magdei, Alexandru Robu, Victor Savin, and Eugen Roscovanu.