
AMN faction accuses government of promoting declarative and inefficient policy for youth


The faction of the Our Moldova Alliance Party (AMN) accuses the Government of Moldova of promoting a declarative and inefficient policy for young people. In a statement presented at the Parliament’s plenary meeting by MP Leonid Bujor, the AMN faction invokes the lack of a special programme for supporting the young families, the inexistence of a demographic policy, the lack of a functional national centre for youth, the deplorable condition of the homes of culture in most of the settlements, the limitation by the Government of the access to university studies, the reduction in the number of workplaces and the low salaries. Leonid Bujor said that the phased payment of allowances to the young teachers and doctors assigned to work in rural areas transformed this stimulatory instrument into a populist and propagandist action. The faction accuses the Government of the fact that thousands of children and young people were deprived of the possibility of practicing sports after it decided to demolish the former national stadium. When the Government started to pull down the stadium, it promised that the construction works will begin this summer, but id did not keep its promise, the parliamentarian said, stressing that the Communist Party is instead building sumptuous headquarters on the sports and playing ground for children located on 73 Stephan the Great Boulevard. The faction also says that the Government did not work out a programme to continue the implementation of the Strategy for Youth adopted in December 2003. At the same time, the AMN MPs underlined that the Government proposed to earmark only 3.5 mln lei for youth programmes in the State Budget for next year, as against 3.3 min lei this year. The AMN faction suggests increasing by 6-7 mln lei the allocations from the State Budget for 2008 for activities designed to support the youth, creating a separate division of policies for youth in the budget and re-establishing the central and local public administration institutions dealing with the problems of the youth. The Youth Day in Moldova is celebrated on the second Sunday of November.