
AMN Faction accuses government of delaying raises in state sector


The decision of the communist MPs and their allies from People’s Christian Democrat Party (PCDP) and Democrat Party (DP) to give up the implementation of the Law on the wage system in the state-paid sector is a hard blow for thousands, leader of “Moldova Noastra” Alliance Serafim Urecheanu said in his speech before Parliament on Thursday, February 8. According to him, postponing until December the implementation of this law proves the fact the communist government is unable to ensure economic growth, modernisation of the country, and as a result betrays the interests of the population as regards the welfare growth. According to MNA leader, the leadership of the country itself recognised the failure in what concerns the Action Plan Moldova-EU, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, “Moldovan village” Programme, corruption fight strategy, increase in exports, as well as other commitments of the government. Also, Urecheanu qualified as “mendacious” and propagandistic the laws passed without financial backup. The MNA faction insists on the cancellation of the last amendments to the law on wage in the state-paid sector, as well as the amendments to the laws on estate tax and the entrepreneur patent. In short-time, the faction will present legislative initiatives in order to fully renew the commitments made by the Government and to impose it fulfil them, Serafim Urecheanu added.