
AMN and PCRM made a statement exchange regarding situation of Moldova


The opposition and governing factions have different visions on situation of Moldova. While the Alliance „Moldova Noastra” says that situation in the country misbalanced, the Communist Party speaks about positive evolutions. AMN prime vice-chairman, deputy Veaceslav Untila made on Thursday, 23 March a statement during parliament’s meeting, mentioning that Moldova did not comply further with assumed engagements while accepted in the Council of Europe. After coming to leadership in 2001, PCRM „usurped the state power, installed the dictatorship and fear in the society”. Even it was elected democratically, the leading party does not comply with its commitments to reform the political system, public sector, local administration and autonomy, audio-visual, justice and prosecution, Untila mentioned. Instead to stimulate European reforms, the Communist Party transforms further into a break in the way of preparing the country for the integration in the European Union, as this formation is afraid that democratic reforms would leave it without the mechanism of preserving the power. Objective information of citizens, existence of an impartial judicial system, an efficient public administration will lead to significant change on democratic way, AMN deputy underscored. AMN faction required organisation of a special meeting of the parliament, with the participation of the head of the state, prime minister and members of the government, in order to discuss the development of reforms and respect of assumed commitments towards the Council of Europe. At his turn, Communist deputy Nicolae Bondarciuc replied to another AMN statement of last meeting of the parliament, where the leadership of the country was charged with worsening of the situation in agriculture. Bondarciuc said that opposition’s affirmations mislead the public opinion and the latter one makes such statements only to compromise the current leadership in order to win political results. According to PCRM reply statement, the situation in agriculture, but also in other fields in last 4-5 years improved, and this is due to actions undertaken by the government. There were adopted a range of legislative acts contributing to development of this area. Opposition’s accusations therefore are not actual according to Communist deputy. Co-reporters of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Josette Durrieu and Egidijus Vareikis, said at the end of their visit in Chisinau (12-16 March) that democratic reforms in Moldova are not implemented in due time. Egidijus Vareikis noted that in Moldova things became worse, but better either, and Moldova has to take into account the time as well. Last PACE resolution on situation in Moldova was approved by the Parliamentary Assembly on 4 October 2005. The main conclusion was that “for 10 years as member of the Council of Europe, Moldova got significantly into the way of democratic reforms, but a great number of commitments were not respected into an appropriate way.” The authors of the report mentioned then that they agreed to stop monitoring Moldova’s actions, but „this thing depends as well on Moldova.”