
“American Corner” to be opened in Balti


In Balti municipality will be opened an „American Corner”. U.S. Embassy Charge d’Affaires John Winant will officially open the center. According to a press release of the US Embassy the „American Corner”, a small resource center, will be located in the Balti Municipal Library, on str. Dostoievschi 32. The American Corner, which has collections of books, publications, reference materials, CDs and DVDs in English, will be a great resource for those who want to learn more about the U.S.: students, professors, alumni, and the general public, state the organizers. The „American Corner” will be opened on Thursday, June 8, at 2:00 PM. Recently in Balti was opened the House of the Ukrainian Community, where computer rooms for Ukrainian children are functioning. Here will be instructed the graduates that want to study in Ukrainian high education institutions and will be popularized the Ukrainian history, culture and language. Solicited by the Agency, the mayor of Balti, Vasili Panciuc, declared that in Balti are opened Polish, Jewish, Byelorussian and Russian cultural Centers and 11 ethnic unions are renting buildings in the locality.