
Amendments to the legislation on the system of public administration change nothing – expert


There are needed significant changes to the local public administration system. Cosmetic adjustments alone will not make a difference, Victor Popa, Doctor of Laws, program coordinator at IDIS “Viitorul” believes. According to the quoted source since 1994 the legislation in this field was somewhat changed; nevertheless, the system did not start to be more efficient. The experts of IDIS “Viitorul” prepared a draft law – Law on Administrative Decentralization. It aimed at setting a mechanism that would stipulate the attributions of mayoralties, and if the central administration would transfer some of the competences they should be covered by the necessary financial resources. At the same time, the draft law stipulates the fact that not all the competences can be delegated. For instance the right to teach or the health protection, which are constitutionally instituted, are state responsibilities and can not be transferred to local authorities. As regards to a draft law approved by the Parliament in first reading, which provides for an elected mayor in each district of the capital, Popa said that this changes entail the revival of the old system. According to him, CMC can decide about a unique policy on the uniform development of the city at present. As well, the present regulations allow sanctioning the pretors in case they do not honor their obligations. This will become impossible afterwards regulations will be changed. Regarding the amendments to the Electoral Code which provide for reducing the electoral threshold for local elections from one third to 25% approved in first lecture by MPs, the quoted source says that from the democracy’s standpoint these figures are irrelevant. The expert considers that this threshold must be eliminated because the right to participate in elections is optional and elections must be validated regardless of the number of participants.