The administration of road transport is to be decentralized and the duties to agree and modify the interdistrict transport schedule will be transferred from the central specialized body to the National Road Transport Agency. The amendments to the legislation on road transport were give a final reading by the MPs on Friday, IPN reports.
Local and municipal councils shall work out, approve and modify road transport schedules in accordance with the transport needs of the population. The interval between interdistrict routes will be reduced from 30 to 15 minutes, whereas at international transport level, the one-hour interval between international routes in the same direction will be excluded.
The bill provides for the simplification of work for the business community, including the procedures for issuing permissive documents. The roadmap will be excluded from the list of strict record documents. In order to further reduce bureaucracy, a number of documents existing in the information systems of the National Road Transport Agency will be excluded from the list of documents required on board.
Also, tickets will be sold through “e-Ticket” or own sales systems interconnected to this information system. Tickets issued in the form of fiscal receipts or electronic documents will be sold at the ticket offices of bus stations through special terminals or by road transport operators serving routes only through cash registers with fiscal memory.
A month ago, carriers protested in the Great National Assembly Square against the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development’s intention to promote these regulations in the field, which they consider anti-European. The executive director of the Employers’ Association of Transport Professionals “Transportul” Anatolie Munteanu said then that practically 80% of the proposals were formulated by carriers, but what the authorities introduced are schemes.