
Amendments to law on advocacy


Admission to the Bar will be based on a computerized exam as from January 1, 2018. This is provided in a bill proposed by the Liberal-Democratic parliamentary group. The bill is to be merged with another draft law suggested by the Government, which also contains changes and supplements to the law on advocacy. The bills were adopted by Parliament in the first reading on November 2, IPN reports.

All the qualification exams will be recorded. The results of the computerized testing and the video and audio recordings will be stored at the Lawyers Union for a period of at least a year. The participants in the qualification exam can make copies of the test results and audio and video recordings. For the first time, there will be constituted an Exam Result Contestation Commission.

It is proposed that the judges and prosecutors with at least ten years’ seniority should be exempted from the training period, not yet from the qualification exam, as now.

As of January 1, 2020, mandatory professional civil liability insurance for lawyers will be instituted to make sure the damage caused by the lawyer in service is repaired. The lawyer will repair the damage only if this cannot be done by the insurance company.