
Ambassador Viorel Ursu: Peace Corps volunteers return to Moldova


Interrupted during the pandemic, the Peace Volunteers project returns to the Republic of Moldova, announced Moldova’s Ambassador to the U.S. Viorel Ursu. According to the diplomat, the U.S. volunteers will restart work in Moldova’s villages, contributing to improving the English language teaching skills of local teachers. The relationship between Chisinau and the U.S. authorities has continually developed after the pro-European forces took over in Moldova, IPN reports.

The first
Peace Corps volunteers came to the Republic of Moldova back in 1993. Since then, thousands of Peace volunteers have come to the country as part of English teaching, education for health and community development projects.

“The Peace Volunteers project will be resumed in the Republic of Moldova by the end of this year and the Peace Corps volunteers will return to our localities. During the pandemic, the project was interrupted. Many know the impact that the Peace Corps volunteers have on the communities. In particular, in villages these volunteers teach the English language and encourage the people to form associations and promote community development,” Viorel Ursu stated in the program “Reflection Points” on Vocea Basarabiei channel.

According to the diplomat, the Moldovan authorities turned the United States into the most important ally immediately after the war in Ukraine started, when the government came with a firm message condemning the Russian aggression.

“The relationship between the U.S. and the Republic of Moldova was already at a high level when the government was changed and it has become stronger after the war broke out. The war has been a test for many states. It was important for the U.S. to see the position of different countries so that they clearly said who the aggressor is and who the victim is. Our government since the first day has stated its position, that Russia is an aggressor state. It was important for Moldova, as a UN member state, to say it trenchantly that Russia violates the UN statutes and the basic international law principles according to which conflicts between states cannot be resolved by aggression. Not all the states in the CIS adopted such a trenchant position,” stated the diplomat.

He also said that even if there are no imminent military risks threatening Moldova at present, the elements of the hybrid war waged by Russia are evident and their goal is to thwart the country’s path to the EU.

“In Europe, there is not only one war. In Ukraine, there is a war of military aggression, but there are also other hybrid wars that are less visible. The hybrid war does not have the shocking images of the battlefield, but Russia uses the instruments of this war against the Republic of Moldova. These elements were also used in other states in the Balkans, like Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro to stop the European integration process,” stated Viorel Ursu.

Moldova’s Ambassador to the U.S. Viorel Ursu presented his credentials to the U.S. President Joe Biden during an official ceremony at the White House in December 2022.