
Ambassador Shevchenko says in what conditions Ukraine’s border with Moldova can be closed


“If pro-Russian forces come to power, we will close the borders with the Republic of Moldova,” Ukraine’s Ambassador in Chisinau Marko Shevchenko, who is completing his duties, told a local TV channel, which was quoted by the Russian and Romanian press, including știripesurse.ro.

According to the diplomat, Ukraine will close the border with the Republic of Moldova, which stretches over a length of 1,222 kilometers, if forces that are for strengthening the relations with the Russian Federation come to power in Moldova.

“If a government that advocates a strategic partnership with Russia comes to power, and Russia returns to the Republic of Moldova, a natural step for Ukraine would be to strengthen security on the borders along their entire length,” said Marko Shevchenko.

The diplomat reminded that the Ukrainian state closed the border on the Transnistrian segment (which is outside the control of the constitutional authorities of the Republic of Moldova) in 2022 and could close new sections of the border, if necessary.

The ambassador believes closing the borders to goods and people could be a first step towards security. According to his statements, all the problems begin with the movement of people, since saboteurs and launchers of aerial bombs and missile strikes can cross the border.

A presidential election will take place in the Republic of Moldova on October 20, 2024. On the same day, a referendum on the introduction of the European integration course in the Constitution. will be held.