
Ambassador of Russia invited to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration ordered to invite Russia’s Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova Oleg Vasnetsov to provide explanations over the statement made by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which the Ministry describes as “unconstructive and unacceptable rhetoric referring to the President of the Republic of Moldova”, IPN reports, with reference to a press release of the Ministry’s spokesman Daniel Vodă.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration took note of the statement made by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in a briefing on April 20, by which the unconstructive and unacceptable rhetoric referring to the President of the Republic of Moldova is maintained, while the historical events are used for propaganda purposes. Given the unacceptable language used with reference to the President by the official representative of the Russian diplomatic service, the Ministry ordered to summon the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Moldova Oleg Vasnetsov,” says the comment.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is recommended to take note of President Maia Sandu’s speech that is available in Russian and that does not leave room for interpretations: “I want to underline that no one is banned from celebrating the May 9 holiday. On the contrary, we are obliged to remember the victory of civilization against Fascism and Nazism. We are obliged to remember the dead and keep alive the memory of the main tragedy of the 20th century - Word War II”. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration noted that the decisions adopted recently by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova are a sovereign right of the country. “We reiterate the call to the Russian side not to allow interference in a democratic, legitimate and internal process of our country,” runs the comment.

On Wednesday, Russian senator Alexey Pushkov threatened President Maia Sandu that the Republic of Moldova could end up “in the ash heap of history”. The statement was made in the context of the promulgation by President Sandu of the law that bans the use of the symbols of the Russian military aggression.

The law that bans the use of military symbols was published in the Official Gazette on April 20.  It bans the making, promotion and spreading of the ribbon of Saint George and letters “
Z” and “V” that are used as distinctive signs of the Russian army in the war against Ukraine.