
All bills will be subject to anticorruption analysis in 2009


The Center for Combating Corruption and Economic Crime this year will subject to anticorruption analysis all the bills, regardless of their origin. The measure is stipulated in the European Integration Plan for 2009 approved by the National Commission for European Integration, Info-Prim Neo reports. The document contains three objectives that the authorities plan to achieve in order to combat corruption in Moldova. The Central Public Administration is to be reformed, the factors that stimulate corruption reduced, while the public acquisitions system improved. The vacant public posts will be filled by contest by assessing the competences of the civil servants. Normative documents will be formulated for instructing and managing the discipline and ethics commissions working under the Central Public Administration, says the Program on European Integration for 2009 and the Priorities of the Relations between the European Union and Moldova during the Czech Presidency of the EU (January – June 2009). There will be assessed the corruption risks in the specialized bodies of the public administration and drafted and approved amendments to the normative-legal framework concerning the statements of income and property, in accordance with the European standards. The publication of the statements on local public authorities’ websites will be mandatory, the document says. The General Prosecutor’s Office will ensure the implementation of the recommendations of the Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) made for Moldova during the second assessment stage. The authorities say they will work out a portal of public acquisitions and will pilot the electronic acquisitions in 1-2 public institutions in order to improve the public acquisitions system. Valuable electronic acquisitions will be made in at least 3-4 public institutions, while the potential contactors will be informed about the offers in the area, including by placing announcements in the regional and international media if the acquisitions exceed 5 million lei, the Program says. The Program for 2009 is based on the same six key areas as in 2008: ensurance of the observance of human rights and the freedom of the media; ensurance of the independence of the legal system; combating of corruption; administration of migration and border management; improvement of the investment climate; measures aimed at making the policies in the social sphere more efficient.