
Alexandr Kalinin: Igor Dodon only mimicked doing something for citizens


The leader of the Party of Regions Alexandr Kalinin made accusations against ex-President Igor Dodon, saying namely Dodon controls the oil market in Moldova and fuel prices started to rise after the presidential elections because Igor Dodon could not forgive the citizens for not voting for him. Holding office of President, Igor Dodon only mimicked doing something for the citizens.

In a news conference at IPN, Alexandr Kalinin said that after he withdrew his candidacy from the race for last year’s presidential elections, he was visited by different people, inclining members of criminal groups, who tried to persuade him to support Igor Dodon. He was even offered to manage an oil company of his choice. He was told that the President controlled everything – the gas, fuel and energy businesses. If the Party of Regions enters Parliament, it will ask to verify this information and, if this is confirmed, the main beneficiary who controls the prices on the oil market will be held accountable.

“Dodon is a very deceitful and revengeful man. He will never forgive the citizens of the Republic of Moldova for losing the presidential elections,” stated Alexandr Kalinin.

He also said that the Party of Regions will check the information about Igor Dodon’s ties with ‘corruptible elements’ from the country and outside it. The party will suggest verifying the information about the appointment of ambassadors by Igor Dodon in European countries and the Russian Federation. It will verify the information that diplomatic channels are used to transport narcotic substances from European countries to the Russian Federation through Moldova and also the scandal around anabolic steroids. Igor Dodon will be asked to say the real reason for the dismissal of ambassador Neguța as he surely knew what was going on inside the embassy.

Speaking as the head of the Congress of the Moldovan Diaspora in the Russian Federation, Alexandr Kalinin said the citizens abroad face many problems. More resources are needed annually to provide assistance to the Moldovans in Russia. During the tenure of Igor Dodon, things didn’t improve, even if he promised this.

Alexandr Kalinin called on the electors to vote for the Party of Regions as it will not disappoint them.

IPN asked the Party of Socialists to comment on the accusations made against the party’s leader, but the party didn’t respond by the hour the news item was published.