
Alcohol has made two more victims


A man died and another was admitted to hospital in deep coma. In both cases the reason was abuse of alcohol. Doctor-coordinator of the Chisinau Emergency Service, Eufalia Negreata, told Info-Prim Neo, an unidentified young man of about 20-25 years was found in alcoholic coma last evening on Calea Orheiului Street. Doctors are sceptic as regards his chances to survive. A 58-year-old man died on Saturday morning from abuse of alcohol. The man, resident of Ciocana district, was found dead by his son who announced the police and the Emergency Service. Alcohol has caused a lot of dramas, especially during the holidays, Eufalia Negreata says. Thus, due to the excess of alcohol a great number of Chisinau residents fell in the streets, were frostbitten and frozen, supporting different consequences. The doctor believes there will be victims of Bacchus on the New Year’s Day celebrated according to the old calendar, too. She calls people’s attention to the fact that alcohol kills if consumed in great quantities. According to sociologists, the low living standards stand at the basis of alcohol abuse. Statistics show that about 10% of the population is addicted to alcohol, this percentage being in continuous increase. European countries lose 126 million euros each year due to alcohol consumption. This money is spent for hospital fees and treatment of the victims of alcohol, but also represents financial loss resulting from absenteeism and low efficiency of the personnel that frequently use alcoholic drinks. The indirect costs of the alcohol consumption at the work derive from the decrease in the productivity and performances, from the inefficient use of the working time, delays and absences, non-discipline and violence, negative effects on the company image and on public relations. At the same time, alcohol accounts for about 40% of casualties of vascular accidents, 35% of road accidents, 64% of fires and burns. These statistics determined the European Union to declare war to alcohol. Following the anti-smoke campaign which has been running for several years, the EU will start in a short time a campaign aimed at diminishing alcohol consumption. Thus, averting messages, similar to those on the cigarette packs will appear on bottles with liquor.