
AIE’s glue was the common enemy: PCRM, Arcadie Barbarosie


[Info-Prim Neo article from the series “2011: how it was and how it wasn't”] {“The AIE Agreement– one year of government”- the opinion of political analyst Arcadie Barbarosie } “The Alliance was never as solid as concrete, despite the optimistic statements of some of its leaders and I guess we can’t expect it to be like that. Parties that form alliances have political interests and in our case even business interests. This is the cause of inconsistency in actions and statements, internal differences, the continuous fight within the AIE, sometimes even harsher than the fight against the opposition”, thinks political analyst Arcadie Barbarosie. According to him, the Alliance’s glue was the common enemy, the Communist Party. “Of course, in declarations there were other binding factors, common goals like European integration. But, objectively, many of AIE’s actions hindered the European integration process. The main example is the delay of necessary reforms that would accelerate this process”, said the analyst. Arcadie Barbarosie thinks that regardless of its contents, the AIE founding agreement could hardly bind the Alliance. “AIE’s problems remain the same: different interests, lack of trust in partners, interpretation of laws according to various interests (the famous aces up the sleeve) and lack of communication”, thinks the analyst. “The rules are written to be avoided. The Alliance didn’t invent this formula and it’s not the first, nor the last to use it. The behavior of its members obeyed to interests and not rules”, he said. The analysis of voting and opinion polls shows that a one-party government is impossible in the near future. “We are fated to have coalition governments. Another “achievement” of our alliances is that people hate this kind of governments. The last polls shows clearly that people prefer one-party governments”, explained Arcadie Barbarosie. According to him, during 8 years in power PCRM forgot what meant to be in opposition, but adapted rapidly and behaves according to the Moldovan political culture. “It’s true that the current governing parties easily forgot how it was to be in opposition and behave like PCRM did: intolerantly, without consulting or taking into consideration the current opposition’s opinion, etc. We have what we deserve, both in government and opposition”, thinks the analyst. The 2nd Alliance’s Founding Agreement was signed on December 30, 2010. [Irina Turcanu, Info-Prim Neo]