
Agricultural producers to get subsidies in advance


The state encourages the young farmers and women to start and expand businesses in the agrifood sector. These will receive subsidies in advance for entrepreneurship projects in accordance with the regulations concerning the conditions and procedure for providing such subventions that were approved by the Cabinet.

This year, the national agriculture and rural development fund will contain 45 million lei intended for the purpose. The subsidies in advance will be offered based on investment projects submitted by farmers who perform an economic activity in the agrifood sector for the first time and are not affiliated with another agricultural producer.

The farmers could benefit one time from this financial support that will total at most 650,000 lei. The subsidy will be provided in two installments. The first installment will represent 75% of the subsidy and will be offered when the contract is signed, while the second installment of 25% will be transferred when the business is launched, within two years.

“When I took up my duties, we considered how to pay the overdue subsidies. Now we not only cleared the debts, but also provided 200 million lei more for the subsidization fund. Given the extent of agriculture in the Republic of Moldova, this project is a possibility for the Moldovans who went broad to work to return home and benefit from these subsidies,” stated Prime Minister Pavel Filip.

The authorities aim to create over 300 agribusinesses and more than 500 jobs in villages by these subsidies. At least 5% will be allocated annually for offering subsidies in advance from the national agriculture and rural development fund.