
Agricultural output in 2007 will exceed by 12.9% the indexes of 2006


The agricultural output in 2007 will amount to MDL 10.2 bln, exceeding the estimated volume for 2006 by 12.9%, Anatolie Gorodenco, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry plans. According to him, the growth pace will be backed by the estimative results of the activity of plant cultures field by 13.5% and zootechnics – by 11.7%. In the structure of the agricultural output the vegetal production has a share of 67.6%. The areas cultivated with wheat will cover 330.1 thousand hectares and of the corn – 497.9 thousand hectares. The output of wheat will constitute 2900.0 thousand tonnes and of corn – 1885.2 thousand tonnes. The areas cultivated with sunflower will be reduced by 88.7 thousand hectares or by 31% and will constitute197.3 thousand hectares. Also, it is planned to increase by 5.1 thousand tonnes the production of tobacco by expanding the planted areas by 3 thousand hectares and improving the productivity. The vegetables will be planted on an area of 98.1 thousand hectares, exceeding by 11 thousand hectares or by 12.8% the level of the last year. It is planned to increase the productivity of the plantations of vegetables and pumpkins: 360 thousand tonnes of potatoes, 560 thousand tonnes of vegetables and pumpkins. At the same time, it is planned to boost the productivity of fruits, nuts and berries by 97.5 thousand tonnes. The production of animals and birds breeding will increase by about 6.6%, the production of milk – by 21%, and of eggs – by 11.1%. Estimated in current prices, the agro alimentary production will constitute MDL 5.7 bln in 2007 and at the average prices of the last year – MDL 6.0 bln, by 7.5% more. The indexes of the agricultural fields’ activity for 2007-2009 are drawn up on the basis of the Development strategy of the agro-alimentary field during 2006-2015 and the National Programme “The Moldovan Village”.