
Agreement for the rehabilitation of several placement centers


The infrastructure of four placement centers - in Balti, Cocieri, Orhei, and Chisinau - will undergo major rehabilitation as part of the "Public Housing III" project. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection signed an agreement today for the project's implementation, IPN reports.

At a press conference, Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Infrastructure, stated that the "Public Housing III" project will be implemented based on a loan agreement with the Council of Europe Development Bank. The loan amounts to 20 million euros and is intended for the development of public housing. The project's goal is to construct and renovate public housing for rental to vulnerable individuals, as well as to rehabilitate shelters, placement centers for the elderly, and student dormitories.

According to Bolea, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MLSP) is the beneficiary of the component related to shelters and placement centers and has proposed the list of social facilities to be rehabilitated. The four centers will see renovations in residential infrastructure, sanitary and food service blocks, as well as utility systems.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Alexei Buzu, noted that, for example, the last significant renovation at the Bălți Placement Center took place in the 1980s. Despite financial resources being mobilized over the years, issues persist with ventilation, water, and sewage systems.

Alexei Buzu emphasized that this project will help improve living conditions for the beneficiaries of these centers, ultimately enhancing the quality of social services provided.