
Agency for Medicines authorizes 39 new medications


Thirty-nine new medicines will become available from drugstores. The medicine commission of the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices authorized 72 pharmaceutics, 39 of which for the first time (new medicines on the market), while 33 - again, IPN reports.

Among the medicines that were authorized for the first time are Mydocalm Long (ICN: Tolperisonum) to treat high muscle tone following stroke in adults, and Vinitel syrup (Acidum valproicum) to treat epilepsy in adults and children, while among the repeatedly authorized drugs are AEvit® soft capsules (Retinolum + Tocopherolum) to treat diseases and states that require taking large doses of vitamin A in association with vitamin E, and Citramon-BP Forte compressed tablets (Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Paracetamolum + Coffeinum) to treat headaches, toothache, etc.