
Adrian Glijin sentenced to 13 years and a half in jail


Adrian Glijin, the young man who was kidnapped in October 2020 and was illegally held in the Transnistrian region, was sentenced to 13 years and six months in prison by the so-called supreme court of the region, as the young man’s mother Vera Glijin announced. According to experts of Promo-LEX, besides the evidently illegal sentence, the case remains secret and the Transnistrian administration does not allow an independent doctor to examine the young man, IPN reports.

“Adrian didn’t even receive the sentence, while the Transnistrian lawyer will familiarize himself with this only on May 10. I don’t know what to do and where to go. I ask again all the responsible authorities to struggle for my son,” said Vera Glijin.

Promo-LEX mooted that at about 1pm on October 7, 2020, Adrian Glijin was kidnapped by five persons wearing balaclavas from a field situated near Cuzmin village of Camenca district (in Security Zone of Transnistria). The family was informed that the young man is accused of treason.

Since his kidnapping in December 2021, for 435 days, Adrian Glijin has been unable to see his family and his relatives haven’t had access to his case because it was classed as “secret”.

“The Glijin case is the most relevant example when the absence of concrete actions fuels abuses and serious illegalities. We reiterate our previous calls and call again on the authorities of the Republic of Moldova and also the international organizations and diplomatic missions to become involved in this case,” Promo-LEX Association said in a press release.

In connection with the visit by the UN General Secretary to Moldova during May 9-10, Promo-LEX requests the constitutional authorities to raise the case of Adrian Glijin in the discussions so as to offer maximum support to the family and to ensure the immediate and unconditional release of the young man.