
Additional measures for preventing cheating in Baccalaureate exams


The Government is taking additional measures to prevent copying in the Baccalaureate exams. A bill approved by the executive adds a new provision to the Education Law, by which the publication of the Baccalaureate exam questions and answers to them is banned before the test and during it, IPN reports.

The violation of the given provision will be punished with a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 lei for private individuals and of 6,000 to 10,000 lei for legal entities and persons holding responsible positions. The size of fines will be set by amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The culprits will be banned from holding particular posts for a period of three months to one year.

In the Government’s meeting, Deputy Minister of Education Loretta Handrabura said the initiative aims to combat cheating in the Baccalaureate exams.

Initially, the bill only banned the publication of the Baccalaureate exam questions and answers before and during the tests by introducing amendments to the Education Law. It was later decided to also amend the Code of Administrative Offenses by imposing penalties on persons who will not comply.

Given that the bill must take effect before the start of the Baccalaureate session, which begins on June 3, the Ministry of Education asked Parliament to pass it as a matter of urgency.