
Activity of several economic entities providing public nourishment services was suspended because of violations


The activity of several economic entities operating in Chisinau, which were providing public nourishment services, was stopped by an ordinance issued by the Chisinau City Hall. The interdiction was applied as a result of the violations found in the activity of these companies, the petitions of the residents on the inconveniences created by the activity of certain summer cafes and pavements in front of the cafes, as well as following the decisions of the Municipal Centre of Preventive Medicine. The City Hall decided to suspend the activity of the café located on D. Rascanu Street 20/3 belonging to the Individual Enterprise “Iacovleva N, commercial section within the food store of “M-Paradis Plus” Ltd, on Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Boulevard 132, booth on Calea Basarbiei 2, administrated by “Portohip” Ltd, pavilion on Calea Basarabie Street 2 belonging to “Astru Ceresc” Ltd, the food store located on A. Hajdeu Street 29, administrated by “Larprest” Ltd, summer café on Alexandru cel Bun 18 belonging to the Agro-industrial Factory CPCA and of the booth owned by the citizen Valeria Garasciuc, located on the territory of the marketplace on Hancesti Street 60/4. Also, the local authorities closed down the summer café working on Calea Iesilor 16/4, owned by “Marandvic” Ltd, refreshment bar on Calea Iesilor 16/1 of the Business Centre R and the home appliances store located on Decebal 59 owned by “Simbom AB” Ltd. These interdictions will be applied until the companies conclude the location and functioning authorisation or until they eliminate all the violations found by the Municipal Centre of Preventive Medicine. At the same time, taking into consideration the petitions of the dwellers living in the apartment block on Pandurilor 50 and on Decebal 59, the head of the Production and Commerce enterprise “Ceza” Ltd and of the commercial society “Lenaria Prim” Ltd were warned to respect the public order in the office. Mayor General of the Municipality of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca ordered to limit the working schedule of the refreshment bar of “Ingovi” Ltd, of the food store belonging to the Individual Enterprise “Fandeev-Lochis” and of the commercial section of “Sanvitcom” Ltd. These economic entities are located on Decebal 59, and the sanctions were applied at the request of the residents in the area.