
Actions of Government and Parliament discussed by Commission for European Integration


The priority plan of action for the Government and Parliament for November-December 2016 was considered by the Governmental Commission for European Integration in a meeting on November 16. The plan contains measures aimed at implementing the Association Agreement with the EU and the priority reform action roadmap, IPN reports.

Prime Minister Pavel Filip said the European integration remains the major goal of the Republic of Moldova and this course is irreversible, regardless of the political developments, including the outcome of the presidential elections. Thus, the Government and Parliament will continue to advance reforms and to adjust the legislation to the European standards, in accordance with the assumed commitments.

The commission also examined the agenda of the Moldova – EU meetings that are to take place until the end of this year and set the relevant tasks for the competent institutions. Among these is the second meeting of the subcommittee on energy, environment, political climate, transport and civil protection that will take place on November 23-24, the meeting of the Human Rights Dialogue and the High Level Meeting of the EU – Moldova Mobility Partnership.