
Acting PG Dumitru Robu gets state security guards


Acting Prosecutor General Dumitru Robu has received state protection on the request President Maia Sandu. The information was confirmed for IPN by the State Protection and Guards Service (SPPS).

“The interim Prosecutor General, Mr. Dumitru Robu, benefits from state protection from SPPS, based on art. 6 paragraph (3), of Law 134/2008 on the State Protection and Guards Service”, SPPS said in response to an inquiry from IPN.

Art. 6 paragraph (3), of Law 134/2008 on the State Protection and Guard Service, says that “the President of the Republic of Moldova shall provide protection to other dignitaries or their family members, at the written request of the institutions concerned or from own initiative, if there is a threat or if there is information about the organization of actions that could threaten their life, physical integrity, freedom of action and their health”.

President Sandu appointed Dumitru Robu as interim prosecutor general on October 6.