ACC starts repairing Vadul lui Voda pumping station
Apa-Canal (ACC) manager Constantin Becciev told a City Hall meeting on Monday Chisinau's water supplier would soon start repairing the pumping facilities in Vadul lui Voda, as water levels on the Nistru in the zone have dropped below critical marks, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“The water level is decreasing each hour. In 24 to 40 hours the situation will come back to normal”, said Becciev, adding that no major problems with the quality of the pumped water existed, either. Repair works include wiring replacement and removal of sandbags.
To avoid accidents during other potential floods, the ACC needs to replace some 9km of high-tension wires strung over the Cosernita plateau. “Five out of eight wires failed”, said Becciev. The leaky shaft inside the pumping station also requires extensive repairing.
Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca asked the ACC to work in alert mode until floodwaters retreat completely. He added that the risk for Chisinau to remain without water supply has been removed and people don't need to stock up with water any longer.