
Academician Silviu Berejan and poet Grigore Vieru commemorated today


Friends, colleagues and relatives went Tuesday to the Central Cemetery in Chisinau to remember poet Grigore Vieru and academician Silviu Berejan, the former director of the Language and Literature Institute and then of the Linguistic Institute. The commemoration event forms part of the third international colloquium “Modern Philology: Accomplishments and Prospects in the European Context” taking place in Chisinau between November 10 and 12, Info-Prim Neo reports. Romanian linguist Iulia Margarint said Silviu Berejan was a bright figure who assessed the facts in perspective and interpreted them justly. Gheorghe Popa, linguistics lecturer at the Balti-based University “Aleco Russo”, said that any meeting with the professor and academician Silviu Berejan was a lesson for those who were around him. Berejan died two years ago. Those attending said that poet Grigore Vieru was a true man of science. “We, those we had been near Grigore Vieru, are obligated to keep him and the beautiful things he left in our memory,” said philologist and linguist, Doctor Habilitate Vasile Bahnaru. Scientists from Moldova and abroad will give lectures during the international colloquium. Among them are Mihai Cimpoi, Vasile Bahnaru, Anatol Ciobanu, Gheorghe Popa from Moldova, Eugen Simion, Marius Sala, and Adrian Dinu Rachieru from Romania, and Klaus Bochmann from Germany.