
Absence of Government endangers advancement of European course, debates


The meeting of European standards envisions the ensuring of the rule of law in all the areas – economic, social or environment sectors, but the advancement of the European integration course is endangered by the absence of a functional Government that would ensure the implementation of the assumed commitments, consider members of the National NGO Council, who staged public debates at IPN on June 30.

Consultant at the Legal Resources Center of Moldova Ion Guzun said the responsibility for ensuring the European standards is borne first of all by the Government. “We now do not have a Government and apparently nobody is responsible. Until a Government is not formed, no matter how much a ministry wants to start or continue the process of adjusting the national legislation to the European one, this is not possible. Under the legislation, the current Government has limited powers,” stated Ion Guzun.

Iuliana Cantaragiu, expert of the National Environment Center and a member of the Council, said that Moldova has a number of tasks in front, including to adjust the legislation, but the current period of political instability generates stagnation because the state institutions become nonfunctional. “The necessary legal acts that are drafted inside the institution cannot be approved by the Government until there is no Government formed, not speaking about the fact that these documents must be later adopted by Parliament. This is very difficult when there is no parliamentary majority,” he said.

Antonita Fonari, secretary general of the NGO Council, said that the central and local authorities must be responsible and assume commitments on the path of European integration. Civil society should be involved in this process, including by exerting social pressure. The NGOs in time mounted protests and other activities, trying to draw the authorities’ attention. The people should monitor the use of public money coming from the taxes paid by the Europeans and from our contributions so that that it is invested efficiently.

The public debates “What do we assume when we say we want a European country/capital” were organized with the support of the American people, provided through the US Agency for International Development. The stated opinions belong to the NGO Council and do not necessarily express the opinion of USAID or the Government of the United States.