
About what prosecutor should do, minibuses that are not fit for transporting passengers and European ‘fizzling’ of pupils


IPN flow synopsis for December 18, 2019

They see there is no difference between transit transport and minibuses

We see that the situation concerning passenger transportation is very serious. The fare is a component part, but the quality and age of the vehicles should also be taken into account. According to statistics, over 50% of these vehicles are over 20 years old,” said Minister Anatol Usatyi. The rise in fares on interurban routes will be accepted only if the carriers ensure better conditions for the passengers and renew the buses and minibuses.

Barking and yelping does not help

The responsibility for stray dogs, infrastructure and financial resources intended for these animals should be transferred from the municipal cleanup enterprise “Autosalubritate” to the recently created Animal Control and Defense Department of the Public Amenities Division. They try to mislead the mayor general when they tell him that the sterilization of animals does not reduce their aggressiveness. The reported number of cases when stray dogs attack people is also exaggerated.

Or fish begins to stink...

Lawyer Valeriu Pleșca said the cases that were tried with serious procedural violations should be retried, while those that haven’t yet reached the court should be investigated by an independent prosecutor. “Otherwise, Alexandr Stoianoglo would join the group of prosecutors who, for example, in the case of the bank fraud hushed up this case for five years and actually found no money of the stolen funds,” he stated. Andrei Năstase also has many expectations of the new prosecutor general.

Epoch of bean lovers underway

The process of reforming the country is performed not for the EU, but for the people and the country, German Bundestag member Dirk Wiese, German Federal Government Coordinator for Intersocietal Cooperation with Russia, Central Asia and the Eastern Partnership Countries, said in a public event in Chisinau. Iulian Groza, director of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms, stated the reform process should center on people’s interests and should help the EaP countries ensure the rule of law, a functional democracy.

Water is flowing away and what’s left?

“Those who came now to power are populists and work on Igor Dodon’s campaign prior to the presidential elections will be done in the course of this year while the current Government will manage the affairs,” the leader of the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” Andrei Năstase stated in a video interview given to IPN News Agency. He noted that the process of coming closer to the European Union will be increasingly mimicked in the period.

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