
About low salaries no matter how much they are raised, opening of party planting season and 100 days in a boat without paddles


IPN flow synopsis for February 25, 2020

You don’t really understand what “small step” is!

Chisinau and Kiev held consultations about an eventual deadline by which the motor vehicles with Transnistrian license plates would be banned from entering Ukraine. For now there is no decision to this effect.

As regards the movement of cars on the right side of the Prut, the Embassy of Romania in Chisinau said the motor vehicles registered in accordance with the protocol decision on the participation in international road traffic of motor vehicles registered in the Transnistrian region that do not perform commercial activities, of April 24, 2018, under the conditions of the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of 1968, to which the Republic of Moldova is a party, and under the subsequent legislation adopted in the Republic of Moldova, can cross the state border and can travel on public roads in Romania.

100 “technocratic” downs

The vice president of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” (PPPDA) Alexandru Slusari said the current Government led by Prime Minister Ion Chicu is antisocial, is a government of corruption that is unable to unblock the EU macro-financial assistance. It did nothing to overcome the consequences of the bank fraud. During 100 days, this witnessed a number of failures.

In 100 days of the appointment of the Chicu Government, the leader of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) Maia Sandu, ex-Premier, said the “Government of Dodon” undertook the schemes and corruption used by Plahotniuc’s regime.

Parties per kg, meter, liter

The Constitutional Court on February 25 declared unconstitutional the formulation “whose number cannot be lower than 4,000” from the law on political parties. This means the parties will no longer need to present a list of 4,000 members for being registered officially. The part of the law saying that when a party is constituted, its members should live in at least half of the territorial-administrative units of the second level in the Republic of Moldova, but not fewer than 120 members in each of the given territorial-administrative units was also declared unconstitutional.

Purification, father. Purification?

The Party of Socialists and the Democratic Party can lose the parliamentary majority and the Chicu Government can be removed through a split inside the Democratic parliamentary group, stated Action and Solidarity Party MP Lilian Carp. “Those who were brought to the PDM by Plahotniuc were brought in particular conditions. There is information about these people that can destroy their political and private life if this is made public,” he said.

On the other hand, Andrian Candu denies the financial involvement, first of all of his relative Vlad Plahotniuc, and says that
the future center-right Pro Moldova Party will be based on a social-liberal doctrine with elements of patriotism, traditionalism and everything that is related to Moldova.

Salary: “a man and a woman”

Natalia Covrig, public policy analyst at the PDC, said an opinion poll conducted among employees shows the men’s salary is by 25% higher than the women’s salary. The pay gap is due to the number of worked hours, the post held at the company or the employer’s profile.

In another development,
Sergiu Sainciuc, vice president of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova, said the situation is well known. Even if the salaries rose by about 10% during the last three-four years, the minimum and average salaries in Moldova are the lowest in Europe. The share of remuneration in the Gross Domestic Product in the Republic of Moldova is one of the lowest in Europe – 30%.

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