
A study on correlation between general and Internet language appeared


An original and useful study on understanding the interdependence between the general language and the special one used on the Internet has been launched on Friday, December 15 at the Foreign Languages Department of the Technical University of Moldova. The book has been appreciated by university professors and friends, present at the event. Ludmila Ungureanu, the author of the study “Interference of general and specialized language in Internet language” (L’interfer penetration Langue generale – langue Specialisee dans le discours d’Internet”), told Info-Prim Neo, that in this work she tried to find the fundament of the new language in the informatics, especially used by the young generation and which are the points of interference between this special language and the general spoken language. Ludmila Ungureanu says that through this work she tried to explain by which paths the Internet language comes into general speech and how does general speech get completed by these new words. The author considers that the study, published in Paris with the support of the cultural department of the Embassy of France in Moldova, answered several question of modern linguistics. The head of the French philology department of the Moldova State University, Dr. Ion Gutu, told Info-Prim Neo that this study is very useful not just for students and professors, but also for all those who try to understand the process by which the language enriches itself or gets poorer. According to the specialist, the mentioned study clearly shows that most of the words used in the Internet manner of speaking come from the general language, and this interference enriches it more than new semiotic systems. According to Gutu, a great advantage of the doctoral thesis by Ludmila Ungureanu is the fact that it has been guided by two professors, including one from France. This way, “Interference of general and specialized language in Internet language” can be qualified as a great achievement of the Francophony, Ion Gutu added. 500 copies of the volume have been published in Paris.