
A number of medical exams should be done annually


Those older than 18 must annually do a series of medical exams, of the skin, lymphatic ganglions, thyroid gland and mammary glands. These exams are covered by the health insurance policy and can be done in primary medical institutions. The persons older than 18 must also annually have anthropometry and measure blood pressure. If the medical institution does not provide some of the services, this signs a contract for the provision of these services with another medical-sanitary institution. The National Health Insurance Company specified this in a response to an inquiry by IPN News Agency about the annual prophylactic examinations covered by the mandatory health insurance policy.

The persons older than 40 should annually check the level of serum cholesterol and glycemic index and once in two years should have ocular tonometry. The tests for determining the glycemic index and microprecipitation reaction should be done annually by persons from risk groups.

The cytological test Babes-Papanicolau should be done by women aged between 25 and 61 once in three years. The adults and children who came into contact with a person suffering from tuberculosis, infected with HIV, who receives immunosuppressive treatment and with patients with mental disorders must annually have chest radiography.

Only those with symptoms should have the microscopic analysis of sputum, while children and pregnant women have prophylactic medical examinations based on different protocols.

The persons included in the list of the family doctor go by themselves to have annual prophylactic examinations. Some of the prophylactic medical examinations can also be done in medical measurements offices, youth friendly health centers and reproductive health offices when going to these directly, without referral.

The regular prophylactic medical examinations (except for bacteriological and helminthic tests) for employees of public medical institutions, budget-funded education and rehabilitation institutions are funded by the primary medical institution where the person has registered with the family doctor. The bacteriological and helminthic tests are done for money at public health centers.

The regular mandatory medical examinations for employees who are exposed to noxious and unfavorable conditions are paid by the employer.

According to the Ministry of Health, the employees who work for food companies, medical institutions and institutions for children are obliged to annually have prophylactic medical examinations so as to prevent the spread of contagious and parasitic diseases.