The Seventh National Festival of Social Theater opened on Thursday, August 18, in Chisinau. 35 teams of young people will be trained in techniques of social theater, as well as in the field of sexual and reproductive health. Afterwards, they will write and stage a social theater play in their community, IPN reports.
Galina Manole, coordinator of the Festival, told a press conference that the social theater plays will be about sexual and reproductive health, including the prevention of STDs and HIV infections, unwanted pregnancies, risky behavior and teenage problems. A second topic is the violation of sexual-reproductive rights, such the lack of access to information and quality health services. The third topic is preventing risky behavior among youths.
The organizers will select 10 out of the 35 teams to stage a social theater play in their communities and to compete in the festival’s final, which will take place on November 26, in Ialoveni.
The National Festival of Social Theater is organized by the Peer to Peer Young Trainers Network, Y-PEER Moldova, with the support of UN Population Fund.