
6,700 children from Chisinau municipality are provided with financial assistance for schooling


About 6,700 pupils will obtain 400 lei each, as financial assistance for schooling. Thus, the municipal authorities continue to traditionally assist, this year as well, children from undeprivileged families. The Chisinau Municipal Council allocated 2.68 million lei, the lists being made by the education institutions starting May. Tatiana Nagnibeda, the interim head of the General Education, Science, Youth and Sports Department, says that funds a being delivered starting August 7 and reached over 70% of children from Rascani district. Those over 6,000 children shall get the money until 20 August. According to Tatiana Nagnibeda, families that at the moment are not in the town or do not have the possibility to present themselves due to other reasons, will be able to get the money in the first school days. The municipality provides financial assistance for children’s schooling from underprivileged families for 8 years already. In this period, the number of children benefiting from this assistance doubled, and the amount of the allowance increased from 300 to 400 lei.