
58% of Moldova’s population would vote for EU accession in a referendum, iData


Some 58% of Moldova’s adult population would vote for the country’s accession to the European Union in a referendum. Another 31% would vote against, while slightly over 11% do not know or do not want to answer, shows a barometer presented by the sociological company Date Inteligente (iData) in a press conference hosted by IPN.

“If we talk about the European course, the discussions about the referendum begin to turn into percentages and we have a slight increase in the number of those who would support Moldova’s accession to the European Union in a referendum. Thus, 58% of the entire adult population of the Republic of Moldova would vote for accession and only 31% would vote against. Respectively, such a referendum would bring a clear victory to the pro-European cause,” said iData executive director Mihai Bologan.

The survey authors this time included a question about the possible exit of the Republic of Moldova from the Commonwealth of Independent States. “De iure, the Republic of Moldova is still part of the CIS, but de facto, the relations with CIS are increasingly weaker, fewer and harder to maintain, for various reasons. Thus, slightly more Moldovans, 40.5%, would be in favor of the Republic of Moldova’s exit from the CIS, while 35.5% would be against. So, the number of those who are for the exit from this community prevails. But many are against and 24% do not have an opinion about this,” stated Mihai Bologan.

The respondents were asked who they would vote for as President of the country and were provided with a list. “Maia Sandu is the favorite to become President for the second time, with 30.4% of the total. Igor Dodon is the second favorite, with 14.3% and Ion Chicu is the third favorite, with 6.1%. At this moment, 3.9% are ready to vote for Renato Usatyi as President, 3% would be ready to vote for Ion Ceban, 2.5% for Vladimir Voronin, etc.,” noted the iData director.

The lower number of undecided persons shows that the people start to have favorites. However, 24.2% of those polled said they do not know who they would vote for in the presidential election, and by 4% said they would not vote or did not respond.

In the event of parliamentary elections, three parties would enter the legislature. More than 25.6% of the respondents would vote for the ruling party PAS. 13.7% would vote for the “Victory” bloc, including for all the constituent parties. The Party of Socialists was mentioned by 13.1% of those surveyed. Slightly over 19% said they do not know, 9.5% would not vote and over 4% did not respond. Of those who made up their minds, 38.2% would vote for the PAS, 20.4% for the “Victory” bloc, while 19.5% for the PSRM.

The survey covered a sample of 1,022 people from 304 localities. The data collection period was May 22-27 and the maximum sampling error is 3%.

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