
500 euros for military ID card


A 30-year-old man was detained by the Economic Crimes and Corruption Combating Center (ECCCC), on suspicion of having extorted 500 euros from an inhabitant of Cahul town for issuing a military ID card, Info-Prim Neo has learnt from the press Service of the Center. The man from Cahul complained that a citizen had asked for 500 euros to intercede the obtaining of the military card. The man would have maintained he had acquaintances at the Cahul Military Commissariat and that he was able to make the employees from there issue the military card against that amount of money. The suspect delivered such services to other clients as well, but he demanded sums between 300 and 350 euros. The petitioner decided to address the anti-corruption squad, because the sum was too big for him. The suspect was arrested as he was receiving 450 euros, the transaction being video taped. A penal procedure was started against him for influence peddling. If he is found guilty, he is liable to be fined between 500 and 1,500 conventional units or to get up to five years of jail.